Evacuation Information


120 E. Chestnut
P.O. Box 370
Troy, KS 66087


Emergency Management Coordinator & Zoning Director

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Evacuation Information

DONIPHAN COUNTY, KS NOTICE: If you are planning to evacuate your home and/or city, please see a list of the following shelters available in the area.

Shelter Locations:

  1. Troy, KS, 66087 – Leonard L. Clary Community Building, 1225 Last Chance Road, Open starting Sunday, March 17th at 5 p.m.
  • Anyone evacuating to a shelter should bring essential items for each member of the family, including:
    • Prescriptions and emergency medications.
    • Foods that meet unusual dietary requirements.
    • Identification and important personal documents.
    • Extra clothing, pillows, blankets, hygiene supplies and other comfort items.
    • Supplies needed for children and infants, such as diapers, formula and toys.
    • Special items for family members who are elderly or disabled.
    • Service animals required for a disability and trained to perform a task are allowed in the shelters under ADA regulations.

    *  The handler will be responsible for caring for and supervising the service animal, which includes toileting, feeding, grooming and veterinary care.  Shelter staff will not supervise or otherwise care for a service animal.

    *  Emotional support, therapy, comfort or companion animals are not considered service animals under the ADA, and will not be allowed in the shelter.  Arrangements have been made for pets at the 4-H Building located at 211 N. Boder Street in Troy.

Pet Shelter Locations:

  1. Troy, KS, 66087 – Doniphan County 4-H Building, Fair Grounds, 211 Boder Street, Open starting Sunday, March 17th at 5 p.m.
  • Anyone bringing pets to the Troy shelter should bring essential items for each pet, including:
    • Food
    • Medications and copy of medical records
    • Cat Litter
    • Garbage Bags
    • Sturdy leashes, harnesses and carriers
    • Current photo of you with your pets and description of pets
    • Written information about your pets feeding schedules, medical conditions and behavior issues along with the name and number of your veterinarian.

2. Atchison, KS, 66002 – Atchison Humane Society of Atchison, 125 N. 21st Street, Call 913-367-3647.

This message is brought to you by the Doniphan County Emergency Management Department. Call 785-985-2229 for questions. Additional Emergencey Management information can be found on the department page here.