
The City of Wathena provides both electric and water service. Utility meters are read on or about the 15th of each month. The bills are mailed the last working day of the month and are payable by the 10th of the following month. After the 10th, a 10% penalty is assessed on the unpaid amount. Utility Hearings are held on the third Monday of the month from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall by the City Clerk and the Assistant City Clerk. Delinquent bills must be paid BEFORE this hearing or you must attend the hearing to ask for an extension. If you do not attend, disconnection will occur the next day at 3:00 p.m. if utility bill is not paid. Payments for electric, water and sewer bills are taken at the City Hall.


A complete copy of the official ordinance may be obtained at City Hall or on the Ordinances page of this site.


Ordinance Number 629
Except as otherwise provided in ordinance number 629 the monthly sewer charges, regardless of classification, shall be based on the average monthly water usage for the prior year months of January through March and then applied to the flat rate schedule in section 3 of ordinance number 629 to set the yearly rate.

A complete copy of the official ordinance may be obtained at City Hall or on the Ordinances page of this site.