Economic Development


120 E. Chestnut
P.O. Box 250
Troy, KS 66087


Economic Development Liaison, Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce

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Economic Development

The mission of the Economic Development Department is to facilitate empowerment of residents and businesses, enhance quality of life and nurture growth in Doniphan County.

Economic Development strives to create new jobs and grow the tax base while promoting and developing new business opportunities within the county. 

Services Provided:

  • Act as a resource and referral center
  • Recruit and support new businesses with site selection and incentives
  • Provide business and entreprenuerial growth assistance
  • Act as a local intermediary for statewide resource providers
  • Partner with local and regional organizations to support growth and publicity
  • Support community development and local tourism efforts when feasible 
  • Assist in reports and research data on demographics, businesses, employment, market profiles, census data, workforce numbers and available sites as need be

Chamber of Commerce

Connect with the Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce for more business opportunities.