

120 E. Chestnut
P.O. Box 250
Troy, KS 66087


Economic Development Assistant, Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce

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Education plays a vital role in Doniphan County. The communities strong elementary and secondary schools prepare children for the future. Doniphan County experienced positive educational outcomes among its young people. The high school graduation increased slightly this year and ranks well above the state rate. This county also experienced an increase in the percentage of its high school graduates and obtained post secondary education or training.  In addition, Highland Community College and nearby public/private universities, colleges and vo-technical schools train employees of local businesses to become more productive and to advance on their career paths.

Day Care

Families with working parents benefit from the available public /private day care services in Doniphan County. Local facilities provide educational classes and activities for preschool-aged children, as well as offering day care for kindergarten and elementary students. Summer programs are also available. Find child related services through state programs and agencies such as:

Elementary and Secondary Schools

Doniphan County is served by three school districts.


Doniphan County is home to one community college.

Recently move to the area from an urban city or out-of-state and have a college degree with outstanding student loans? Doniphan County is a part of the State of Kansas’s Rural Opportunity Zone program. Learn more here.


Find information about libraries in Doniphan County here.

Education Resources

Doniphan County supports and maintains the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in the county. Find more information and signup your child or grandchild living in Doniphan County today.

Find more education resources and businesses here.