FCC Challenge the Broadband Map!

Click here to update your location information for accurate broadband maps for long-term improvements

(info from the Kansas Broadband Office)

We need your help to challenge the new Federal Communications Commission broadband service location and availability maps (viewable here). The FCC recently published new broadband availability maps to help determine how much federal funding states will receive to shore up gaps in internet service. As part of process, states (in partnership with residents, cities and counties, businesses, etc.) have the ability to challenge the accuracy of these maps.

Please follow these three steps: 

  1. Visit: Go to the FCC Broadband Map at broadbandmap.fcc.gov and search for your address in the box provided.
  2. Verify: Select the dot that matches your address to verify the location. If the location is wrong or missing click the Location Challenge link.
  3. Validate: Review the list of broadband providers and services. If you are unable to access the speeds or services listed, click the Availability Challenge link.
    • This is a great way to challenge your current provider’s inadequacies if your broadband service is inconsistent, subpar, or poor quality.

This map from the FCC will determine how much funding Kansas receives. Currently the FCC shows KS at 5% unserved. We are more likely closer to 15% unserved, and that difference will have a negative direct impact on the dollars we receive. Not $10.00 but 100s of Millions of dollars! We can challenge/change this map, but it will take a strategic concerted effort across the state and through our networks.

Our ask is that you share this information with your members/neighbors and friends and encourage them to go to the website to check to see what buildings are shown as covered. We need them to share their stories, challenge areas “served” and make sure their voices are heard.

Learn more about challenging the map at https://www.kansascommerce.gov/challenge.

•  FCC Location Challenge FAQ
•  FCC Availability Challenge FAQ