Noxious Weed


548 240th Road
Highland, KS 66035

P.O. Box 278
Troy, KS 66087


Director Noxious Weed

Noxious Weed

The Kansas noxious weed law requires all persons who own or supervise land in Kansas to control and eradicate all weeds declared noxious by legislative action. The weeds declared noxious are :Field Bindweed, Musk Thistle, Johnsongrass, Burr Ragweed, Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge, Hoary Cress, Quackgrass, Russian Knapweed, Kudzu, Pignut, and Serica Lespedeza. Multa Flora Rose and Bull Thistle are a county option noxious weeds. Chemical to control and eradicate noxious weeds maybe purchased from your county noxious weed department at a slightly reduced price as an incentive to control the weeds listed above.

If a landowner or supervisor fails to treat noxious weeds in a given time the county may treat the infested area and bill the landowner or supervisor for services. If the bill is not paid by a given date, the county may file criminal charges for noncompliance.

For more information contact the Doniphan County Noxious Weed Department or the Kansas Department of Agriculture at 900 SW Jackson, Room 456, Topeka, Kansas 66612 or call 785-296-3556.