Denton City Hall Council Meeting is on the 1st Monday of every month at 7pm. If there is an observed holiday on that Monday, then meetings will usually happen the next Tuesday or be skipped for the week. Find contact information for Denton city officials here.
Highland City Hall Council Meeting is held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. Call Highland City Hall at 785-442-3765 or visit their website at for more information.
The Wathena City Hall Council Meeting is held the 1st & 3rd Monday of every month at 6 p.m. If there is an observed holiday on that Monday, then meetings will occur the following Tuesday. Call City Hall at 785-989-4711 or visit their website at for more information.
Elwood City Hall Council Meeting is on the 1st & 3rd Monday of every month at 7 p.m. If there is an observed holiday on that Monday, then meetings will usually happen the next Tuesday or be skipped for the week. Call Elwood City Hall at 913-365-6871 for more information.