Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce Selects New Logos

Troy, Kansas – After a few months of planning and discussion, the Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce executive board passed a vote to update their logo.

“I can’t remember when the last time it was updated, but since we’ve been actively growing the Chamber in the past two years, we thought it was time to update the logo to reflect that,” said Marty Allen, Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce president.

A few local designers submitted designs based on the criteria for the new Chamber logo to work well with the branding of the recently revised county logo. The Chamber was excited that the logos submitted were from designers based in Doniphan County.

Adrienne Korson, Doniphan County Economic Development Director, said, “The branding of Doniphan County through the county’s logo has really helped bring recognition and spread communication outside of the county recently, and having the new Chamber logo work simultaneously with that I think will continue to build excitement and momentum for the county.”


Ultimately, the Chamber executive board passed a vote on Friday, January 26, at their monthly meeting to accept two very similar logos that work well for all their marketing needs.

The corresponding logos were designed by Jaime Albers, Chief Creative Designer at Highland Community College.

Albers recently created the design used for the county’s “Eclipse in the Heartland” event last August.

The Chamber is already in progress of updating all their marketing materials and information on the county website with their new logos. They hope to have t-shirt designs available soon for interested Chamber Members to purchase.