Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce hosts annual Christmas Mixer

This article first appeared in the Kansas Chief Newspaper.

By Mary Winder

Chief reporter

A group of business people, community leaders, and other supporters of Doniphan County attended a Christmas Mixer held Friday evening, Nov. 30 to socialize and to celebrate the success of the county’s first Give Where You Live Day. The Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce and the Doniphan County Community Foundation (DCCF) sponsored the Christmas mixer, which was held at Glacial Hills Venues in Wathena.

People from throughout the county and beyond who care about Doniphan County donated over $24,000 throughout the day on Nov. 30 in conjunction with the Give Where You Live Day. The donations went to 17 local, charitable causes that benefit the county in various ways. People made their donations online or in person at any of the county’s library buildings.

“”I was bowled over by the generosity of the people here in Doniphan County, by how much they love their communities, and by how they always come together to support their local communities,”” said DCCF Board member Teresa McAnerney at the Christmas Mixer.

She believes that the donations collected on the Give Where You Live Day, along with ongoing contributions to DCCF, “”will greatly enhance the quality of life here in Doniphan County.””

McAnerney explains that corporate sponsors will be matching the donations contributed on Give Where You Live Day at the rate of fifty cents on the dollar, with some match limits, so the $24,000 amount will climb even higher. She points out that while the matching was a “”great incentive”” for people to donate on Nov. 30, donations to any of the 17 community organizations may still be made any day of the year at She expects additional organizations to become part of the DCCF in the future.

McAnerney was also very pleased with the turnout and mood at the Christmas Mixer.

“Events like this allow everyone to get together to celebrate our communities and our businesses,” she said.

Those who attended the mixer enjoyed Christmas music provided by Lisa Scholz. Refreshments were available, and attendees could bid on various baskets that had been donated for the silent auction. Proceeds from the auction went toward the Economic Development and Chamber’s Growth and Development Fund. Leah Johnson, Doniphan County Economic Development Director, and various members of the DCCF Board made announcements and provided information during the evening.

McAnerney urges anyone who would like more information about the DCCF to contact board officers Ben Gilmore or J.D. Euler.