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April 2, 2020


RE: Postponement of Big Kansas Road Trip

Contact: Marci Penner, 620.585.2374,



The Big Kansas Road Trip that was to feature Brown, Doniphan and Nemaha counties has been postponed from May 7-10 until September 10-13 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The decision was made by the Kansas Sampler Foundation and BKRT county leaders after consult with local governments. (THIS HAS BEEN POSTPONED AGAIN TO MAY6-9, 2021)

Designed to bring people into rural communities in a tri-county open-house style, most of the activities planned for the May dates can still happen in September. Foundation director Marci Penner said, “We asked communities to simply be good at being themselves and that can happen with some variation at any time.”

The September date was chosen to avoid the Doniphan County flea markets, the U.S. 36 Treasure Hunt, the Hiawatha Maple Leaf Festival, the Hiawatha Halloween Parade, fall harvest and other area events.

At the time of the decision the fifty-page BKRT guide had already been printed. The guides will be distributed now in August with an affixed label stating the new dates. The events listed in the guide will be the May dates. Updated information will be found on day programs distributed at information centers September 10-13 and on the official website,

As time goes on, the website and the Facebook page, as well as local communication sources, will be the place to look for news about the September date.

Doniphan County leader Leah B. Johnson said, “There are so many annual activities in the fall, therefore, if you planned on having an event or attraction, but can no longer accommodate the date change, please let me know at so we can communicate that accordingly.”

Penner said, “Though locals and people around the state are disappointed with the postponement, it seems that everyone understands. It will be grand to get together in these three counties when once again we all feel comfortable to explore, eat in restaurants, shop in the stores, and enjoy the people of Brown, Doniphan and Nemaha counties.”
