How do I start a business in Doniphan County?
View this handy guide to starting a business in Doniphan County.
When can I get my driver’s license?
The Driver’s License Office is open Tuesday-Friday 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM by appointment only. To make an appointment call 785-985-3513. See more information on getting your driver’s license.
What are the fees for a Building Permit?
Building permit fees are based upon the type of structure you are building and the zoning district the proposed structure will be located in. Permit fees are due when your […]
Where can a manufactured home be placed in Doniphan County?
A manufactured home may be placed anywhere that a site built home is permitted by the zoning regulations. Manufactured homes must comply with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban […]
Are Septic or Waste Water Permits required?
Septic and Waste Water Permits are issued by Northeast Kansas Environmental Services. For more information regarding septic or waste water permits contact the Environmental Sanitarian at 785-985-2778.
Where is the handicap entrance of the courthouse located?
Persons needing assistance into the courthouse building may park in the east lot and enter through the south side of the building using either the chair lift or two steps into […]
When can I file for Homestead?
Between the dates of January 1 and April 15. Find more information from the Kansas Department of Revenue here.
How do I find out who owns a piece of property?
Contact the County Appraiser County Clerk or Register of Deeds offices
What is the minimum size parcel that can be built on?
The minimum acreage size to construct a residence in the unincorporated areas of Doniphan County is 2.00 acres.
How often is my property appraised?
A new appraisal is applied to all real property every year with notices mailed out by March 1.