Real Estate


120 E. Chestnut
P.O. Box 427
Troy, KS 66087


County Appraiser

Real Estate

Kansas statutes require the county appraiser’s office to maintain all real estate values within specified ranges of fair market (K.S.A. 79-1485 et seq.) and to physically inspect each parcel at least once every six years (K.S.A. Supp. 2002 79-1476). Accomplishing these objectives requires careful planning and proper allocation of resources.

Purpose of Appraisals

The purpose of the valuations is to estimate fair market value for ad valorem tax purposes and the values generated are to be used only by taxing jurisdictions in the county. The effective date of each of the appraisals is January 1. The valuations are to be prepared in conformity with Kansas law; rules and regulations of the Department of Revenue, Division of Property Valuation (PVD) and with Standard 6 of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices unless that standard is superseded by jurisdictional requirements.

Property Type: Description Assessment Rate Approach to Value
Residential includes homes, apartments, and condominiums 11.5% Market Value / Cost / Income
Commercial real property used for commercial or industrial purposes 25% Market Value / Income
Ag Land land used to develop agricultural use 30% Use Value / Income
Ag Imprv improvements on land devoted to agricultural use 25% Market Value
Vacant Lots vacant land with no improvements 12% Market Value
Non-Profit real property owned and operated by not-for-profit organizations 12% Market Value
All Others all other real property not elsewhere classified 30% Market Value