From the Kansas 911 Coordinating Council

Text to 911 is the ability to send a text message to reach emergency 911 call takers from your mobile phone or device. However, because voice calls to 911 provide more information, texting should ONLY be used when individuals are unable to make a voice call. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired may use Text-to-911 as a first contact option.

View the flyer of information here.

Important Facts:

  • Your phone plan must have a data or text plan to be able to use this service
  • Text in simple words – no slang or abbreviations
  • Location services are not always accurate, be sure to provide your location


Not Allowed:

  • You can not send group messages
  • No pictures or emojis can be accepted at this time
  • Don’t hang up or end the text session until the call taker tells you to


Enhanced Features:

  • Text translation is over 70 languages
  • On-Star Telematics Integration
  • What3Words Location Service
  • RapidLocate allows call-takers to locate you through GPS data
  • 911 Center can initiate a text to you
  • One-way video is allowed and can be initiated to increase situation awareness for the responders


FOR MORE INFORMATION: View the FAQ section for Text-to-911 on the Kansas 911 Coordinating Council’s website.