Doniphan County Recycling Program

Locations & Days Open

1142 St. Coumbus Rd.

Wathena, KS 66090

(across from the transfer station)

County Shop on Spring St.

Highland, KS 66035

(east edge of town)

Times Open

Items Accepted for Recycling:

  1. Glass – any color
  2. Paper – newspapers, mail, office paper, magazines, catalgues, etc.
  3. Plastics – all plastic items numbered #1-7 with recyling triangles on them (includes plastic jugs and bottles, plastic bottle caps, yogurt or margarine tubs, deli or salad bar clamshells, etc.) NO styrofoam
  4. Cardboard – corrugated, paperbaord, drink cartons, etc. (flatten cardboard)
  5. Metal Cans – food and beverage cans (tin and aluminum)
  6. Aluminum foil and aluminum pie tins

*Items should be rinsed and/or cleaned and sorted.

Contact Us:


913-365-5561 ext. 8#


St. Joseph, MO
